Young man in a Parthian costume, holding a rhyton. Funeral relief from the...
Young boy (ephebos) draped in chlamys after sports. Marble figure, 1st BCE,...
Zeus and Ganymedes. Terracotta figure...
Young man on a rock with broad-brimmed hat. Terracotta figurine (ear...
Ephebe sitting on a rock. Terracotta figurine (lat...
Nude Ephebe with amphora. Terracotta figurine (ear...
A young satyr holding a pyxis (box). Bronze statuette (330 BC...
Four youth resting in the palaestra, two, seated, watch a dog and cat figh...
Ephebe, fallen on one knee, with a serpent which coils around his l...
Figurine of a small boy holding a bird. Upper part of a candelab...
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Statue of a young man. Bronze (6th-5th BCE), or...
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Lid of a cinerary urn with reclining young man. Bronze (6th-5th BCE), fr...