7 subcategories












Mytological Animals


5,176 photos
Boy and goose.                                         

Boy and goose. Marble

Artemis a la biche, dite "Diane de Versailles" - 
Artemis with deer, called "Diana of Versailles".
Roman  work from the Imperial period, 1st-2nd CE.
Marble,from Nemi,Italy(? ) Almost certainly a replica
of a Greek original of the 4th BCE.
Ma 589
Gift of Pope Paul IV to Henry II,1556.

Artemis a la biche, dite "Diane de Versailles" - Artemis with deer, called "Di...

Oenochoe Levy,oriental style,Ionian,H:39,5 cm                                       Terracotta from Rhodes (?),around 650 BCE              
E 658

Oenochoe Levy,oriental style,Ionian,H:39,5 cm...

Apollo Sauroctonus, "Lizard-killer".Roman copy of a Greek bronze by Praxiteles, around 350 BCE. From the Borghese-
Marble,H:149 cm

Apollo Sauroctonus, "Lizard-killer".Roman copy of a Greek bronze by Praxiteles,...

Head of a sphinx,Corinthian style from Thebes          
(Greece),around 530 BCE.                               
Terracotta,34,5 x 19 cm

Head of a sphinx,Corinthian style from Thebes (Greece),around 530 BCE....

Offering a bull for sacrifice
Fresco from Pompeii; 1st century CE

Offering a bull for sacrifice Fresco from Pompeii; 1st century CE

Orpheus mosaic,Orpheus plays to the animals.

Orpheus mosaic,Orpheus plays to the animals.

The Big Game Hunt, mosaic in the ambulatory of the     
Villa del Casale,Piazza Armerina,Sicily,Italy.         
(3rd-4th CE).Ostriches and gazelles are carried up     
to the sailboat,while hunters carry other captured     
animals in boxes and nets.See also 11-01-03,01-02-02.

The Big Game Hunt, mosaic in the ambulatory of the Villa del Casale,Piazza...

The death of Hypolitos.The horses of his quadriga shy  
before the monster which Aphrodite has sent from the   
depth of the sea.Around 340 BCE.                       
Crater,Sicilian production,from tomb 229 bis.
#030502 5

The death of Hypolitos.The horses of his quadriga shy before the monster which...

Europa and the Bull, Tanagra figure from Beotia.       
Second quarter 5th BCE.

Europa and the Bull, Tanagra figure from Beotia. Second quarter 5th BCE.

Quadriga.Metope from a temple in Sicily,6th BCE        
H: 83 cm                                               
NI 3919

Quadriga.Metope from a temple in Sicily,6th BCE H: 83 cm...

Europa and the bull; the sea is shown by two huge fish.
H:55 cm

Europa and the bull; the sea is shown by two huge fish. H:55 cm