Boy and goose. Marble
Artemis a la biche, dite "Diane de Versailles" - Artemis with deer, called "Di...
Oenochoe Levy,oriental style,Ionian,H:39,5 cm...
Apollo Sauroctonus, "Lizard-killer".Roman copy of a Greek bronze by Praxiteles,...
Head of a sphinx,Corinthian style from Thebes (Greece),around 530 BCE....
Offering a bull for sacrifice Fresco from Pompeii; 1st century CE
Orpheus mosaic,Orpheus plays to the animals.
The Big Game Hunt, mosaic in the ambulatory of the Villa del Casale,Piazza...
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The death of Hypolitos.The horses of his quadriga shy before the monster which...
Europa and the Bull, Tanagra figure from Beotia. Second quarter 5th BCE.
Quadriga.Metope from a temple in Sicily,6th BCE H: 83 cm...
Europa and the bull; the sea is shown by two huge fish. H:55 cm