7 subcategories












Mytological Animals


5,176 photos
Ulysses sacrificing. Bas-relief from an                
Etruscan sarcophagus, Pepper-tree wood.                
Probably copy of a 5th BCE painting.                   
92.5 x 81 cm                                           
Torre San Severo, Italy

Ulysses sacrificing. Bas-relief from an Etruscan sarcophagus, Pe...

Ulysses threatening Circe. Bas-relief from             
an Etruscan sarcophagus, Pepper-tree wood.             
Probably a copy of a 5th BCE painting.                 
92.5 x 81 cm                                           
Torre San Severo, Italy

Ulysses threatening Circe. Bas-relief from an Etruscan sarcophagus,...

Bull and garland decor from a column, Nysa, Turkey.

Bull and garland decor from a column, Nysa, Turkey.

Drum of a column with snake design and lead clamp      
to hold drums together (6th-1st BCE), on the island    
of Delos, Greece. Delos, according to Greek myths,     
was the place where Leto gave birth                    
to Zeus' twins Apollo and Artemis.

Drum of a column with snake design and lead clamp to hold drums together (...

Base of a small altar with bull's head and garland     
ornament (6th-1st BCE), island of Delos, Greece.       
According to Greek myths, Delos                        
is the place where Leto gave birth                     
to Zeus' twins Apollo and Artemis.

Base of a small altar with bull's head and garland ornament (6th-1st BCE),...

The palace of Knossos, Crete, Greece. The north en-    
trance consists of a long ramp which continues from    
the harbour road to stairs and a small terrace with    
red columns and a fresco of a bull.

The palace of Knossos, Crete, Greece. The north en- trance consists of a lon...

The Queen's principal sitting room, Palace of Knossos,
Crete, Greece. This megaron has a fresco of fishes
and dolphins. The  door jamb was originally
painted with rosettes, later with spirals. The door
led to the King's quarters.

The Queen's principal sitting room, Palace of Knossos, Crete, Greece. This mega...

Ox-drawn cart.Detail of the Big Game Hunt, mosaic      
in the ambulatory of the Villa del Casale,             
Piazza Armerina, Sicily, Italy (3rd-4th CE).

Ox-drawn cart.Detail of the Big Game Hunt, mosaic in the ambulatory of the...

Ostriches. Detail of the Big Game Hunt, mosaic         
in the ambulatory of the Villa del Casale,             
Piazza Armerina, Sicily, Italy (3rd-4th CE).

Ostriches. Detail of the Big Game Hunt, mosaic in the ambulatory of the...

Ostriches. Detail of the Big Game Hunt, mosaic         
in the ambulatory of the Villa del Casale,             
Piazza Armerina, Sicily, Italy (3rd-4th CE).

Ostriches. Detail of the Big Game Hunt, mosaic in the ambulatory of the...

Fancy dragon. Detail of the Big Game Hunt, mosaic      
in the ambulatory of the Villa del Casale,             
Piazza Armerina, Sicily, Italy (3rd-4th CE).

Fancy dragon. Detail of the Big Game Hunt, mosaic in the ambulatory of the...

Rhinceros. Detail of the Big Game Hunt, mosaic         
in the ambulatory of the Villa del Casale,             
Piazza Armerina, Sicily, Italy (3rd-4th CE).

Rhinceros. Detail of the Big Game Hunt, mosaic in the ambulatory of the...