Tutankhamun on a chariot aiming his arrow at an ostrich. Flabellum, a...
The Royal Ka, guardian spirit of Tutankhamun. Statue, red wood, guilde...
Triad of Osorkon (Isis, Osiris, and Horus). Gold and lapis lazuli figures. H: 9...
The Voyage to Punt: Cattle weighed against gold. Coloured limestone relie...
Tutenkhamun (1347-1336 BCE) standing on a flat boat and throw...
Small booklet with gold-leaf for gilding sculptures and furniture...
Gold seal ring of Pharaoh Horemheb, commander-in-chief under Amenophis IV (1365...
Gold ring with ducks as decoration. From Ramses II (Pharaoh...
Gold ring of Pharaoh Ramses II (1290-1224 BCE), the so-called "horse-rin...
Gold plate. Present of Pharaoh Tuthmosis III (1490-1439 BCE) to his g...
Gold ring with the cartouche of Tutankhamon (1347-1336 BCE),...
Ornament in the form of a heart, inscribed with the name of Nebheptre Mo...