Gilded figure (1754-1756) decorates the exterior of the Chinese Teahouse in the...
Group of gilded figures (1754-1756) decorates the exterior of the Chinese Teahou...
Gilded figure (woman playing a cembalo) (1754-1756) decorates the exterior of th...
Sham-door with richly gilded stucco-work in the White Gallery of Charlot...
"Golden room" in the town palace of Prince Eugen of Savoy in Vienna (1709...
#140305 8
Golden brooch from Turunuelo. 5,5 cm across.
#140305 9
Two gold pendants from Puente Gentil. L:10cm
Visigoth jewelry, brooch,fibula,necklace.
The crown of Guarrazar. H:3,2cm, 11,5 cm across.
The treasure of Nagyszentmiklos.The gold treasure found in 1799 in Nagysze...
The treasure of Nagyszentmiklos.The gold treasure found in 1799 in Nagysze...
The treasure of Nagyszentmiklos.The gold treasure found in 1799 in Nagysze...