Wars and Battles
Wars, Battles, Warefare, Soldiers, Weapons etc.
Joachim Murat,General,King of Naples,husband of Caroline Bonaparte,Napol...
General Jean Baptiste Kleber (1753-1800). Canvas,249 x 166 cm
The Battle of Rivoli, 1797. Painted 1844.
Napoleon I visits the bivouacs the night before the Battle of Austerlitz,Jan...
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Saint Louis s'embarque pour la croisade - Saint Louis enters a ship to go on a...
Princess Mathilde (1820-1904),daughter of Napoleon's brother Jerome,King of...
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Sultan Bajezid I. "Yldirim" (Lightening), reigned 1389-1402; conquered Ser...
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Sultan Mehmet II Fahti, "The Conqueror" (1451-1481), the Sultan of the Conque...
Kara Mustapha Pasha (1634-1683) Turkish Grand Vizier, Admiral of the Turkish f...
Ernst Ruediger, Count Starhemberg (1637-1701), Field- marshal and Commander of...
The Doge Francesco Morosini pursues the Turkish fleet, April 1659.The Venetians...
The relief of Vienna 1683. Turkish armies under Kara Mustapha Pasha had surro...