Wars and Battles
Wars, Battles, Warefare, Soldiers, Weapons etc.
Tapestry showing the relief of Vienna, September 12, 1683. Deta...
Tapestry showing the relief of Vienna, September 12, 1683. Deta...
Tapestry showing the relief of Vienna, September 12, 1683. Turks abandoning t...
The relief of Vienna, September 12, 1683. Foreground: a halberd.
Map of the fortress of Belgrade after its conquest by Fieldmarshal Gideon Frei...
Capitulation of the Turkish garrison in Belgrade, 1717. Foreground: the "Howitze...
Prince Eugene of Savoy and his troops crossing the Danube near Belgrade during t...
Battle of Lepanto,1571 The naval battle decided...
Prow-figures from the war galley of Doge Francesco Morosini, showing two ma...
Prow figures from the war galley of Doge Francesco Morosini, showing two ma...
Turkish ships lantern, bronze.
Turkish flag, captured at the naval battle of Lepanto. Red silk rep, Ali's swor...