Wars and Battles
Wars, Battles, Warefare, Soldiers, Weapons etc.
Construction of the Norman ships. Bayeux Tapestry, embroid...
Constructing the Norman Fleet. Detail of 31-01-01/24...
The Normans prepare their fleet for the crossing of the Channel; chain mail...
The Norman Fleet sets sail for England. Bayeux Tapestry, embroid...
William of Normandy's boat arrives on Pevensey Beach. Bayeux Tapestry, embroid...
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The siege of Antioch (1197-98).From the "Estoire d'Outremer",by William...
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The war between Philip II of France and Henry II of England,siege of Chateau...
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The siege of Antioch (1197-98) Vincent de Beauvais,"Le...
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Loss of the Holy Cross. Vincent de Beauvais,"Le...
Naval combat, from the "Commentaire de la Guerre Gallique" (Caesar's Bel...
Siege and conquest of Rouen.French, 14th.
Speculum Humanae Salvationis,Flemish,15th.MS 139. fol.56:Execution of the...