Wars and Battles
Wars, Battles, Warefare, Soldiers, Weapons etc.
Richard I and Saladin jousting,around 1300-1340.Saladin is portrayed with a gro...
Crusaders in chainmail armour go to war. Bishops lead soldiers in armour during...
The capture of Acre, 1191. Crusaders, led by French King Philippe II August, cap...
The siege of Jerusalem by Titus (70 CE), painted in the 14th century. Men in arm...
The siege of Jerusalem by Saladin, late 15th.An army camp outside the city walls...
The siege of Acre, 1191. From Chroniques de France ou de St. Denis, 1375-1400....
Saracens and crusaders, 1325-1330. ID:Roy.16.G.VI, fol. 101 v
Nebuchadnezzar II besieges Jerusalem, around 1405-1415. From the "Great Bible",...
The siege of La Rochelle,1628,won by Cardinal Richelieu against the Huguenot f...
The siege of La Rochelle,1628, won by Cardinal Richelieu against the Huguenot...
The Siege of a Fortress. Right block. Dated 1527. Woodcut, 225 x 352mm. (monog...
The Siege of a Fortress. Left block. Dated 1527 on the corresponding right block...