Wars and Battles
Wars, Battles, Warefare, Soldiers, Weapons etc.
The siege of Cambrai. 10014226
Scene of the Battle of Lepanto (Episodio de la batalla de Lepanto), 1584-1589....
The naval battle of Lepanto in 1571, in which the Imperial Fleet under Don Juan...
The naval battle of Lepanto in 1571, in which the Imperial Fleet under Don Juan...
The naval battle of Lepanto in 1571, in which the Imperial Fleet under Don Juan...
Napoleon sur le champs de bataille d'Eylau (Lituanie), remporte le 9 fevrier 180...
Archduke Carl (1771-1847), son of Emperor Leopold II. General,fieldmarshal in...
Vue de la ville de Luxembourg, cote des bains de Mansfeld (captured June...
Sea battle between the Spanish Armada and English naval force...
Sea battle. Oil on canvas (ca. 1630)
Choirstalls in the Muenster at Ulm. The large busts at ends...
Emperor Karl V's war against Chaireddin (also known as Hayreddin Barbarossa, Gra...