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Wars and Battles

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11 subcategories
Battles against Turks


Battles by century


Conquest of England - Bayeux Tapestry




Emperor Karl V


Mythological Battles


Napoleonic Battles


Naval Battles


Prince Eugene of Savoy




War of Austrian Succession


541 photos
Emperor Karl V's war against Chaireddin (also known as Hayreddin Barbarossa, Grand Admiral of the Ottoman Navy), Turkish governor of Tunis. 
Sailships,galleys and rowboats with camp followers     
land near Carthage.Cartoons for 12 tapestries,charcoal 
and watercolour on paper,385 x 662 cm,   Inv.2039      

In 1535 the Spanish Empire attacked Tunis, then under the control of the Ottoman Empire. Holy Roman Emperor Karl V (Charles V) of the Habsburg dynasty assembled a huge army and war fleet. He defeated Barbarossa's fleet and, after a siege, captured Tunis on June 1 1535.

Emperor Karl V's war against Chaireddin (also known as Hayreddin Barbarossa, Gra...

Emperor Karl V's war against Chaireddin (also known as Hayreddin Barbarossa, Grand Admiral of the Ottoman Navy), Turkish governor of Tunis. 
The siege of the fortress of La Goleta.                
Cartoons for 12 tapestries,charcoal,watercolour on     
paper, 385 x 662 cm    Inv.2040                        

In 1535 the Spanish Empire attacked Tunis, then under the control of the Ottoman Empire. Holy Roman Emperor Karl V (Charles V) of the Habsburg dynasty assembled a huge army and war fleet. He defeated Barbarossa's fleet and, after a siege, captured Tunis on June 1 1535.

Emperor Karl V's war against Chaireddin (also known as Hayreddin Barbarossa, Gra...

Emperor Karl V's war against Chaireddin (also known as Hayreddin Barbarossa, Grand Admiral of the Ottoman Navy), Turkish governor of Tunis. 
The siege of Goleta.Turkish soldiers bring heads of    
slain Christians to their commander.Cartoons for 12    
tapestries,watercolour on paper,385 x 662 cm Inv.2040  

In 1535 the Spanish Empire attacked Tunis, then under the control of the Ottoman Empire. Holy Roman Emperor Karl V (Charles V) of the Habsburg dynasty assembled a huge army and war fleet. He defeated Barbarossa's fleet and, after a siege, captured Tunis on June 1 1535.

Emperor Karl V's war against Chaireddin (also known as Hayreddin Barbarossa, Gra...

Emperor Karl V's war against Chaireddin (also known as Hayreddin Barbarossa, Grand Admiral of the Ottoman Navy), Turkish governor of Tunis. 
The siege of Goleta continues.Fodder for the horses is 
brought to the troops.Cartoons for 12 tapestries,      
charcoal and watercolour on paper,385 x 662 cm,Inv.2041

In 1535 the Spanish Empire attacked Tunis, then under the control of the Ottoman Empire. Holy Roman Emperor Karl V (Charles V) of the Habsburg dynasty assembled a huge army and war fleet. He defeated Barbarossa's fleet and, after a siege, captured Tunis on June 1 1535.

Emperor Karl V's war against Chaireddin (also known as Hayreddin Barbarossa, Gra...

Emperor Karl V's war against Chaireddin (also known as Hayreddin Barbarossa, Grand Admiral of the Ottoman Navy), Turkish governor of Tunis. 
The siege of Goleta continues.Fodder for the horses    
is shipped to La Galeta.Cartoons for 12 tapest-        
ries,watercolour on paper,385 x 662 cm,Inv.2041        

In 1535 the Spanish Empire attacked Tunis, then under the control of the Ottoman Empire. Holy Roman Emperor Karl V (Charles V) of the Habsburg dynasty assembled a huge army and war fleet. He defeated Barbarossa's fleet and, after a siege, captured Tunis on June 1 1535.

Emperor Karl V's war against Chaireddin (also known as Hayreddin Barbarossa, Gra...

Emperor Karl V's war against Chaireddin (also known as Hayreddin Barbarossa, Grand Admiral of the Ottoman Navy), Turkish governor of Tunis. 
The siege of Goleta.Turkish soldiers bring heads of    
Christians to their commander.Cartoons for 12 tape-    
stries,watercolour on paper,385 x 662 cm Inv.2041      

In 1535 the Spanish Empire attacked Tunis, then under the control of the Ottoman Empire. Holy Roman Emperor Karl V (Charles V) of the Habsburg dynasty assembled a huge army and war fleet. He defeated Barbarossa's fleet and, after a siege, captured Tunis on June 1 1535.

Emperor Karl V's war against Chaireddin (also known as Hayreddin Barbarossa, Gra...

Emperor Karl V's war against Chaireddin (also known as Hayreddin Barbarossa, Grand Admiral of the Ottoman Navy), Turkish governor of Tunis. 
The siege of Goleta.Turkish soldiers bring heads of    
Christians to their commander.Cartoons for 12 tape-    
stries,watercolour on paper,385 x 662 cm Inv.2041      

In 1535 the Spanish Empire attacked Tunis, then under the control of the Ottoman Empire. Holy Roman Emperor Karl V (Charles V) of the Habsburg dynasty assembled a huge army and war fleet. He defeated Barbarossa's fleet and, after a siege, captured Tunis on June 1 1535.

Emperor Karl V's war against Chaireddin (also known as Hayreddin Barbarossa, Gra...

Rinaldo and Armida (from Torquato Tassos "Gerusalemme
Liberata"). Armida, the Sarracene magician, falls
in love with her former enemy, the crusader Rinaldo.
Canvas,133 x 109 cm

Rinaldo and Armida (from Torquato Tassos "Gerusalemme Liberata"). Armida, the S...

Last naval battle in the Dutch-English War,            
August 11, 1637. The Dutch fleet was victorious.       
Canvas (after 1637)                                    
94 x 113 cm                                            
Inv. 1641

Last naval battle in the Dutch-English War, August 11, 1637. The Dut...

The Third of May. The execution of Spanish insurgents
by Napoleonic troops under General Murat, on Principe
Pio Hill, Madrid, May 3, 1808. Painted 1814
Oil on canvas, 266 x 345 cm
Inv. 749
Companion piece to 40-06-06/36

The Third of May. The execution of Spanish insurgents by Napoleonic troops unde...

The Duke of Wellington and Sir Robert Peel,            
two prime ministers of Queen Victoria.                 
Oil on canvas (1844)                                   
149 x 97.8 cm

The Duke of Wellington and Sir Robert Peel, two prime ministers of Q...

The Duke of Wellington (1769-1852), painted 1814.      
Oil on canvas, 64,3 x 52,4 cm                          
NG 6322

The Duke of Wellington (1769-1852), painted 1814. Oil on canvas, 64,3 x 52...