Gold pendant, god Inkidu between two bisons rampant. AO 10866
Necklace of four rows of gold pearls and precious stones, Sb 19355....
Necklace of gold pearls with agate, cornelian and lapis lazuli. Funeral gi...
#080214 7
"God with a golden hand", initially completely gilded. The god wears a long "ka...
#080216 1
Torque with lions'heads, gold. From a princely tomb in Susa, Achaemenid peri...
#080216 2
Torque with lions'heads, gold. From a princely tomb in Susa, Achaemenid peri...
#080216 3
Bracelets, gold, with lions' heads, incrustations of lapis lazuli and turq...
#080216 4
Bracelet, gold, with lions' heads, incrustations of lapis lazuli and turq...
#080216 9
Handle of a vessel in the form of a winged ibex, feet are resting on a...
Canaanite goddess. Bronze statuette. Long robe with traces of...
Horn-shaped ivory vase encircled with gold band...
Cow suckling her calf. Small carved ivory interlaced plants in fro...