Hebrew ostracon (potsherd) with inscription: "Gold from Ophir to Beth...
#080507 3
Circular plaque with embossed ornaments from a tomb at Kinnereth...
#080507 7
Astarte. Gold figurine (15th BCE). Middle part was broken a...
#080507 8
Female idol with a ring fastened behind the head, one arm spread to the le...
Necklace of beads of rock crystal, amethyst and gold plaques decorat...
Chain, gold and carnelian, from Tell el-Ajjul (Late...
Gold chain, from Tell el-Ajjul...
Gold pendants and a ring, from the rich ancient to...
Gold earring with ornaments, from Tell el-Ajjul...
Amulet with flying hawk. Gold, Late Bronze Age
Huge earrings decorated with knobs, from Tell el-Ajjul...
Pendant with a schematic representation of a woman, perhaps a fe...